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Game Changer - Optimised Cloud Website Hosting

In the past, small and medium businesses (SMBs) have been at a disadvantage when it comes to cloud website hosting. They simply couldn’t compete with the big boys when it came to getting technical in-house expertise and affordability. But thankfully, times have changed. 

Now there’s managed cloud website hosting and it’s a game changer for those Irish SMBs who choose to cloud host their website.

The Benefits  | of Managed Cloud Hosting for SMBs

Affordability – 

Cloud website hosting services have made tremendous strides in recent years, becoming increasingly affordable and within the reach of even small businesses. Thanks to in-house expertise in data security and cloud computing, companies can now provide reliable and scalable hosting at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, many cloud service providers offer additional features such as load balancing and intelligent scaling, delivering increased performance with minimal effort on the part of the business owner.

Overall, these advances in technology make cloud website hosting a highly attractive choice for companies looking to reduce their costs, maximise efficiencies and streamline services for both hosting and website optimisation. With a more extensive and holistic solution small business websites can have almost of of their website requirements taken care of at a considerably reduced cost compared to separate service provisions.

Managed cloud hosts offer very competitive prices—especially when you compare them to traditional enterprise web hosts. That’s because they don’t have all the overhead costs associated with running a physical data center (e., cooling, power, etc.). And since they specialize in servicing small businesses, they know how to optimize their offerings to provide the best value possible.

Increased Speed –

In today’s fast-paced world, people expect instant gratification. We want things now, and we don’t want to wait. This is especially true when it comes to the internet. We are used to having information at our fingertips instantly, and if a website takes too long to load, we will simply move on to the next one.

A recent study by Google showed that 53% of mobile users will abandon a site that takes longer than 3 seconds to load. That means that if your website is slow, nearly half of your potential customers are already gone before they even see what you have to offer. But it’s not just potential customers that you need to worry about; a slow website can also have negative effects on your business as a whole.

With managed cloud hosting, your website will benefit from increased performance thanks to the latest technologies and cloud-based server-side resources that are utilised. In this hosting environment aspects such as CPU, RAM, PHP, caching, and server-side cron to name a few translates to better performance, which is essential for providing a good user experience.

Good User Experience –

No one likes a slow website. If your site takes too long to load, users will get frustrated and click away—potentially never to return again. In addition to causing users to leave, slow loading times can also negatively impact how users perceive your brand. In fact, 79% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with site performance say they’re less likely to buy from the same site again. Not only that, but 52% of customers say that a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company. Ouch.

Improved Security –

One of the biggest concerns for any business owner is keeping their website safe from hackers. With managed cloud hosting, you can rest assured knowing that your website is protected by state-of-the-art security features and systems. Atlantic.Net’s managed cloud hosting platform includes features like DDoS protection, firewalls, and malware scanning to keep your website safe from harm.

Scalability on Demand –

As your business grows, so too will your website traffic. With managed cloud hosting, you can easily scale up your resources as needed to accommodate increased traffic without any downtime. This way, you never have to worry about your website being unavailable due to high traffic levels.

How a Faster Website Can Help Your Business Grow

In today’s fast-paced world, people expect instant gratification. We want things now, and we don’t want to wait. This is especially true when it comes to the internet. We are used to having information at our fingertips instantly, and if a website takes too long to load, we will simply move on to the next one.

A recent study by Google showed that 53% of mobile users will abandon a site that takes longer than 3 seconds to load. That means that if your website is slow, nearly half of your potential customers are already gone before they even see what you have to offer. But it’s not just potential customers that you need to worry about; a slow website can also have negative effects on your business as a whole.

The Negative Effects of a Slow Website

A slow website can hurt your business in many ways. First of all, it will negatively impact your search engine optimization (SEO). Google has stated publicly that site speed is a ranking factor, so if your website is slow, you’re already at a disadvantage when competing for those coveted top spots in the search results.

In addition, a slow website will also hurt your conversion rate. If people have to wait too long for your page to load, they are likely to give up and go somewhere else. Studies have shown that even a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% loss in conversions.

Finally, a slow website will also damage your brand perception. If potential customers visit your site and find that it’s slow, they are likely to associate that slowness with your brand as a whole. In today’s competitive marketplace, you can’t afford to have anything tarnish your good name.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you need to make sure your website is running at peak speed. A fast website will improve your SEO, increase your conversion rate, and protect your brand image—all of which can help your business grow. So if you haven’t done so already, take some time to assess the speed of your website and make the necessary changes to ensure that it’s running as quickly as possible. Your future success depends on it!

cloud hosting services for small businesses

Difference Between Optimised Cloud Hosting & Traditional Hosting ( or commonly know as shared hosting ).

If you’re considering making the switch from traditional hosting to cloud hosting, you might be wondering what exactly the difference is. Here’s a quick rundown of the key differences between these two types of hosting to help you make an informed decision about which is right for your needs.

With traditional hosting, your website is hosted on a single server. This can lead to slower loading times and increased downtime if that server experiences any problems. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, spreads your website across multiple servers in a cloud network. This provides greater stability and uptime since if one server goes down, your website can still be accessed from another server in the network. In addition, cloud hosting can be scaled up or down as needed to accommodate changing traffic levels, meaning you only pay for the resources you use.

Managed cloud hosts also offer superior performance and scalability compared to traditional web hosts. Traditional web hosts often overload their servers, which can lead to slow load times and downtime during high traffic periods. Traditional hosting is cheaper but the downside is that performance will never be realised as there are typically hundreds of websites on a shared hosting platform. 

But with managed cloud hosting, your website will always be up and running—no matter how much traffic you get. That’s because your website will be hosted on a virtual dedicated server,  which provides better performance and scalability than a shared server environment.

When it comes to website optimisation hosting, there are a lot of factors that go into making your site run smoothly and efficiently. Factors such as your website’s database optimisation levels, website markup, content seo, performance plugins and configuring these. With traditional hosting providers, this can be challenging to achieve, as resources are limited and in most cases these services don’t extend to the website itself.

However, with optimised cloud website hosting, these issues are quickly addressed. Both the cloud server and website will have synced utilities to bring together both aspects. 

More reading – www.cloudwebsitehosting.ie/shared-hosting-vs-cloud-website-hosting/

Optimised website hosting in the cloud offers two key benefits that set it apart from traditional hosting providers. Firstly, cloud server hosting is specifically designed to optimise your website’s ranking and visibility on search engines like Google. This is achieved through a combination of techniques, including utilising schema markup, implementing fast-loading performance plugins, and syncing all aspects of your site together for maximum speed and efficiency.

Popular Perceptions On Cloud Hosting  | It’s for Big Business?

For a long time, cloud hosting was seen as something that was only for big businesses. It was something that those with deep pockets could afford, and the rest of us were left out in the cold.

However, times have changed and cloud hosting is now more accessible than ever. In addition, with cloud website management the technology has become more readily available, making it easier for small businesses and individuals to get started. As a result, the popular perception of cloud hosting is changing, and it is no longer seen as something that is just for big businesses.

However, some people are still skeptical about cloud hosting. They often perceive it as being too complicated or only for big businesses. But the truth is, managed cloud hosting services, are becoming increasingly popular with businesses of all sizes. In fact, many small businesses are now choosing cloud hosting over traditional web hosting because of its many advantages.

cloud data centre

What is Managed Cloud Website Hosting?

Managed cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that takes care of all the technical details for you. That means all the cloud-based technologies, software, security and applications management are taken care of by a service provider like us. Best of all, managed cloud hosting is very price-competitive, which levels the playing field for SMBs.

As we mentioned before, one of the biggest advantages of managed cloud hosting is that it levels the playing field for SMBs. In the past, website hosting has been a major pain point for small businesses because they simply couldn’t compete with the big boys when it came to getting the most bang for their buck.

But with managed cloud hosting, all of that has changed. Now small businesses can enjoy all the benefits of enterprise-level website hosting without having to pay enterprise-level prices. That’s because managed cloud providers specialise in servicing small businesses and they know how to optimise their offerings to provide the best value possible.

Cloud hosting is incredibly scalable and If your business grows, you can simply have more resources applied to your managed account. You don’t have to worry about investing in new hardware or increasing your storage capacity. This is another plus for budget-conscious small businesses. 

Small Businesses | Get The Edge

If you’re running a small business, managed cloud website hosting is a game changer. Here’s why: 

For starters, it’s much faster than traditional hosting. With managed cloud hosting, you don’t have to worry about things like server maintenance, cloud-based applications, and software updates. That’s all taken care of by the website hosting company.

What does that mean for you? It means you can spend more time focusing on your business, and less time worrying about your website. Particularly if you have additional optimised hosting services can mean the website itself is looked after. Optimised hosting services mean aspects like increased usability, and performance, search engine-friendly tags such as schema are taken care of, and much more. The aim is to have a website optimally set up to gain results across a wide range of areas.

Another huge benefit of managed cloud hosting is that it can help small businesses rank higher in Google. That’s because speed is a ranking signal that Google has stated. This is important not only for providing a good user experience but also for ranking in Google – fast loading times are now a key factor in search engine optimization. 

Cloud website hosting is becoming more accessible and manageable for small businesses, which can now enjoy the benefits of this type of hosting without needing to hire a technical staff. By using a managed cloud hosting service, businesses can reduce the complexity of setting up and managing their website and focus on their core business. This can be a major advantage for small businesses that are looking to get online and grow their brand.

Optimised Website hosting  takes It To Another Level.

As any small business owner knows, a successful website is crucial to driving success online. Whether you are trying to attract new customers, boost sales, or engage with existing clients, the right website can be an incredibly powerful tool. 

However, in order to truly flourish and thrive in today’s heavily competitive digital landscape, it’s important to go above and beyond conventional standards. That’s why every small business website should aim for improved results in key areas that contribute to driving success online.

This is where website optimisation services through focused efforts in key areas, such as *content seo, *rich snippets, *schema, instant indexing, content AI, database optimisation and more can supercharge your website and help ensure sustainable growth and profitability. So if you’re looking to get ahead online, start with optimised cloud website hosting.

Speed and performance is the primary factor with cloud-based hosting. Speed underpins everything from ranking signals, voice search, usability, dwell time, and reduced bounce rates. A cloud-based environment where the website itself along with server-side optimisation is carried out is setting a business up for optimal success with the goal of doing better in search engines. 

Another big benefit of cloud hosting is that it’s more reliable than traditional web hosting. Because your data is stored on multiple servers, there’s no single point of failure. Even if one server goes down, your website will still be up and running.

More Insights On The Benefits Of Increased Website Speed.

People are used to getting what they want when they want it. So when your website takes too long to load, users are going to get frustrated and click away.

And not only will you lose potential customers, but your ranking on search engines will suffer as well. In fact, website speed is a ranking factor for both Google and Bing. But that’s not all; fast website speed also positively impacts voice search, usability, dwell time, engagement, and brand perception. Let’s take a closer look at each of these in turn.

Voice Search

With the rise of digital assistants like Siri and Alexa, more and more people are using voice search to find the information they need online. And since these assistant are powered by artificial intelligence, they’re able to understand conversational language much better than traditional search engines. 

This means that when people use voice search to find a product or service like yours, they’re likely to use natural language rather than keywords. For example, someone might say “Alexa, find me a good Italian restaurant in town,” rather than “Italian restaurant keyword.” As a result, it’s important to ensure that your website contains content that uses natural language so that you can be found through voice search.


As we mentioned before, website speed is a ranking factor for both Google and Bing. But it’s worth noting that it’s not just the overall speed of your site that matters; the speed of individual pages is also important. After all, what’s the point of having a fast website if users have to wait ages for individual pages to load? That’s why it’s important to optimize your website so that each page loads quickly. You can do this by reducing the size of images and videos, minimizing HTTP requests, and using a content delivery network (CDN).


Not only will slow loading times frustrate users, but it will also impact your website’s usability. After all, how easy is it to use your website if users have to wait ages for pages to load? In fact, research has shown that just a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% drop in conversion rates. So if you want people to actually use your site rather than clicking away in frustration, you need to make sure it loads quickly.

Dwell Time

Dwell time is the amount of time that people spend away. And guess what? Website speed affects dwell time too. In fact, studies have shown that if a page takes longer than three seconds to load, users are likely to click away. On the other hand, if a page loads quickly, users are likely to stick around and explore other parts of your site. So if you want people to actually spend time on your site rather than clicking away as soon as they arrive, you need to make sure it loads quickly.

Finally, fast website speed also impacts how users perceive your brand. In today’s world, first impressions are everything, and if you want people to associate your brand with positive attributes like trustworthiness, professionalism, and reliability, you need to make sure y our site loads quickly. After all, research has shown that nearly half of internet users expect a site to load in two seconds or less, and if it doesn’t, they’re likely to click away in frustration. 

But more importantly, they’re also likely to think less of your brand. So if you want to create a positive brand perception, you need to make sure y our site loads quickly. bottom line? Fast websites matter. 

More reading – www.cloudwebsitehosting.ie/why-website-speed-is-important